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Internet Filter Software

To ensure your kids' on-line safety and keep them away from Internet harassment, one of the best way is to block unwanted websites with Internet filtering software. Learn more...

Filter Unwanted Websites to Ensure On-line Safety

Have you ever wondered what your kids are browsing on-line? Are they visiting porn sites, gambling sites which will potentially do harm to them? Does that browsing end up as a long-term habit which finally turns out to be a time waster or financial cheat? Are you sometimes driven crazy by your kids' vulgar elusive cyber words? If so, you may need an Internet filter to keep your kids free from the influence of the current blundering cyber world.

block porn sites

What is an Internet filter?

An Internet filter is typically a software installed on computers in order to prevent access of undesirable websites or individuals with bad intentions. Such tool is designed mostly for home-based clients, enterprise users. It introduces a simple but complete concept for computer on-line safety monitoring.

What can such a filtering tool help me?

Most Internet filters allow-
1. Filter websites by keywords.
For worried parents, keywords like porn/pornography, adult, mature, gambling, hate speech, alcohol, illegal gathering, tobacco would be helpful to keep out the bad. Also, these filtering keywords may be useful to managers/supervisors to limit employees' on-line behavior and build a peaceful working environment.
2. Stop entrances of the questionable websites.
Like chat rooms, entertainment video-watching sites, online game sites, etc...
3. Adjust the filtering policy.
To forbid or permit, or just ignore the site access according to the specific situation.
4. Warn or warning message.
When a user enters a particular site, the Internet filtering software will warn the user by some way like popping up a warning message.

Why use Internet filter software?

1. To stop undesirable websites' accesses to family or enterprise pcs, stop them doing harm to kids or people who are using the pcs.
2. Ensure the pc user's on-line safety, avoid financial losses caused by trusting cyber cheats.
3. Avoid the pcs being affected by virus spread via Internet.
4. Many more...

How to filter websites with Surveilstar?

First, correctly installed the relevant Surveilstar components on the corresponding pcs. Then follow the detailed instructions How to Filter Pornography Sites to deploy.

Please note that the realization of Internet filtering may differ for different software. As to Surveilstar, this function is realized by setting basic and advanced policies.

Try Surveilstar 30 days trial for 5 computers' Google Chrome browsing history monitoring now.

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