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Avoid Business Information Leakage

Information leaking is considered to be one of the most possible reasons responsible for business failures. To protect business information, more and more companies start to make use of computer monitoring software to guard their data. Learn more...

Get Rid of Data Leakage, Guard Computers

Data leakage is a serious problem faced by many companies even government. Almost 68% business failures and financial frauds are caused due to the information leaking according to a business research. Well, there is always a way to guard computer data/files by using the current high-tech products and some software programs are indeed useful in data security fields. Such a software tells managers almost everything an employee is or was doing with the company-owned devices. Whenever they have abused company resources for non-work related things, whichever computer were used, every detail of activities can be tracked.

guard data

Business information is always leaked?

The commerce circle is a cruel place filled with fierce competitions, failures and victories. Everyone is trying hard to survive on this game and desire to be the final winner. Thus, making information, the most powerful weapons of a company becomes much more important than ever.
As we all know, there is nothing more than two factors for a successful enterprise- talents and information. It would be greatly helpful if one company can grasp the latest business news in the first place and avoid their data being leaked at the same time. Besides, information is known to be a powerful tool for the current information age. No company or personnel would be happy to have internal spies to leak their business information.

Why try Surveilstar to secure business and personal data?

Because Surveilstar is able to help you with the following-
1. Track websites visited history, documents/application usages, IM chats details happened on computer
2. Realize real-time monitoring of computers and offer you access to get knowing every movement of computers
3. Alert you every suspicious activity a user may have and warn you the unusual to get noticed
4. Have all log files of any user in hand, master the possible "evidence".
5. Many more...

Try Surveilstar 30 days trial to get away from information theft around us.

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How to use Surveilstar to protect computer data?

Step 1- Download the latest version of Surveilstar.
Step 2- Install agents on computers you want to take control of. Install console/server on a separate computer, maybe the computer you are using.
Step 3- Correctly deploy Surveilstar to make sure the monitoring is OK.
Step 4- Enter the console to see what happens on every computer to stop information leakage at first.
FYI- 1. Remotely installation of agents require administrator privilege of all computers and the LAN.
2. If all computers are not in the same LAN, you may need to deploy Surveilstar across nets. Thus, you may need a file from Surveilstar support team.
3. Make sure the monitoring computer has the highest security level of Windows operating system. Like, a Windows XP 32 bit to monitor a Windows 7 64 bit. The monitoring may corrupt.