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Tips for Internet Privacy Protection- How to be Safe, Secure

Internet services have grown in popularity since their developments years ago. But with the rapid use of them, we are also confronting serious privacy issues. How to protect our on-line security? Here are some general tips for this. Learn more...

Are Your On-line Privacy At Risk? How Can We Ensure A Secure Internet Environment?

Compared with the past, we are now living in an information age which has truly made our life much easier. I guess no one would question if I say Internet is one of the greatest invention in this age. Thanks to this big global system, we are able to reach an extensive range of information resources and services worldwide. Wherever and whenever we are, it may just take several minutes, few clicks for us to access websites with valuable information. As every coin has two sides, we are enjoying the benefits but also unable to diminish the effects it brings. With the wide usages of Internet, our personal information is under large exposure and the growing identity theft is becoming a potential threat to us all. How to protect our on-line privacy and ensure our information security? Well, this is of course a top priority for everyone. The risky Internet requires us to be careful and it would be better if we take actions to have full surveillance of Internet activities. Here are 4 serious tips for you to secure your personal information on-line and realize a complete Internet & computer monitoring, thus away from information leakage.

Tip 1- Never use malicious software

In the slightly blundering cyber world, there are millions of software being modified and developed every day. It is not surprising if a person is unable to find an ideal software program for his needs especially when he has never used such an application before. We may Google, ask people on forums or Yahoo answers, or directly consult friends. These are wise ideas but may not work every time. You may sometimes see malicious software be listed on top pages of a search engine. Worse still, if you are not aware of it and directly download it and install on your computer, without a per-judge, you may result in placing a time bomb for yourself. Because such a software is like virus lurking in your computers. In most cases, hackers are capable to access all kinds of your information stored on them by using Internet. The devastating effects it can do is like stealing your credit card information, confidential documents, precious photos, and even important personal accounts details like social security account information. So, never try malicious software, even they are easy to get and convenient to use.

Tip 2- Never register an on-line account with low reputation

It is not necessary for us to register a website account when we just want to read articles and get information there. A registration is required when we want some particular services of the providers. For example. we may need a Google account for mailing friends but we do not have to use such an account before we can search something on Google. Also, unless we want to post comments or articles on article/blog websites, or we do not need the user account of the website. Well, registration is common which is more likely to offer a on-line form and ask you to fill in the blanks. The empty information almost touches every small part of your life- phone number, living address, postal number, etc... Some are required while some are not. You may be wondering to fill the blanks with some fake information because no one would know it. But what is disappointed, you end up finding that the website want you to verify your registered account with phone calls or text messages. It is definitely annoying and you may be confused if this is some sort of security measures of the website or some disguised pry. Well, the answer is both. So, never think that you gonna need a user account of any website you have visited, even these websites are with low reputations. Think big, if one day the website is unable to run properly, will they sell your information to someone else for money? Who knows?

Tip 3- Remember to install an anti-virus software or safety guard on your computer

It is easy to forget to do so especially after a system reinstallation. Virus and Trojans of all kinds in or out of the Internet will take every chance to attack your computers. You will find out that your computers become slow and web browsings are spied if being hacked. What's worse, you may be frustrated to see it is impossible for you to recover your Internet and computers from such an attack. So, never let that happen. Remember to have your Internet activities and personal computers be under control so you will not have to worry about privacy issues and information leaking risks.

Tip 4- Try monitoring software to secure Internet and computers.

Last but not the least, using monitoring software is helpful to some extent. It can monitor your traffic flow, networks, web browsing activities, transferred emails, making it possible for you to be noted about unusual things within your Internet and computers.

Want to monitor Internet and computers in order to secure Internet privacy? Do not hesitate to try Surveilstar!